A Stroll in the Moonlight traces the journey of a young college student, Eric Carson, who takes a short walk across the border from Mexico into Arizona with two friends carrying backpacks filled with high grade marijuana, or so he thinks.
When the night's events don't unfold as expected, Eric flees for his life, leaving behind more than just drugs buried in the desert sands. Decades later, faced with both his own aging and serious financial concerns, he finally resolves to return to the desert in hopes of retrieving that long buried treasure. He soon discovers that he isn't the only one who remembers that night from years past, and that time does not forever grant immunity from revenge. The beautiful picture which forms the background of the cover for A Stroll in the Moonlight is the work of the outstanding photographer Dana N. Krizan. We are deeply indebted to Dana for licensing his work to us for use on this project and encourage you to visit http://danakrizan.com/ to see more of his superb creations.